Our Stance?

images-1       So, on November 13,2015,everything got toppled in Paris right from a football stadium to a pizzeria. Masses of the superpower witnessed macabre events that have become quite habitual for the emotional destitutes and ailing community of Gaza and Syria. We are well aware of the fact, that Islam has been beleaguered a lot by few terrorist groups,it is being affronted and  when this news knocked our ears that the ISIS has claimed the responsiblity of attacks, it seemed to serve as the last straw on camel’s back as far as Islam is concerned in secular states. Yes, sometimes,even pictures speak louder than words. A couple of days back, I was scrolling my homepage on facebook and saw a meme showing a foodpoint in the slums with Mac’Donalds insignia. The meme read,”If ISIS is Islam,then this is Mac Donalds”. Applause!. It instantly epitomised my laughter and humour. Sarcastic? Isnt it?. Even a maid in the white house knows, that ISIS has nothing synonymous with Islam, yet their illicit acts become a liability for Islam and Muslims across the globe. Few days ago, it read in the paper, that a symposium of Ulema of all schools of thought(parochialy antagonistic) declared the ISIS impugnable. After all these facts when Donald Trump, a candidate for the American Presidential elections(scheduled on Tuesday,8th November,2016) calls for the en bloc shut down of mosques in the states, it literally compell the Muslims in the states to bemoan reflexly. Same sort of movement in Paris is also gathering momentum. If public silence, change of display pictures,condemning the ISIS, support on social media et cetera is even not adequate enough to unviel the reality in front of the Super powers, then this upsurges some skeptic questions in our mind;

Was everything preplanned as to be a pretext for retaliation? How absurd that Abdesalam and accomplices were carrying passports while all that grotesque.                                                      On the other hand, when on very next day, the French functionaries retaliated by air strikes on Syria, no one lamented over the casualities of the innocents. Despite the precision of cruise missiles, the Russian forces are unable to elude the victimization of poor chaps, while striking ISIS. When Israel used the “WILLIE PETE”(White Phosphorus) in Gaza, the US infact reciprocated as they provided Israel with further incendiary weapons,hence violating the AWB. Dr Ben Carson, the frontline Republican Presidential candidate in addition to 31 governors opposed the accomodation of Syrian migrants in antagonism to Obama policy. A whole anti Islam cloud has been made quite triumphantly. Indeed a poignant story.


Yes,we expressed our deep grief over the demise in Paris, because the genocide of humanity oughts to be condemned clearly,regardless of geniture,instead of a tepid response. It is a fact that “SELECTIVE HUMANITY” is the manifesto of Vetos and apprentices like UNO et cetera. Asphyxiation(unable to breathe) is an immediate symptom of white phosphorus munition but it seems that it causes Aphasia(unable to speak) to some people as well, as the UN stakeholders do not dare to speak even a single word against its use by Israel. Sarcasm is deep. Every single activity aims at aggrandizing the power, yet they want us to abase ourselves or else they know how to create the scenerio and how to incite the riots among ourselves. Einstein has aptly said,”Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them”. At the moment, awareness is all what we want. Threshold awareness will then boost the momentum hopefully.


2 thoughts on “Our Stance?

  1. what u just explained is the knowledge which is crucial to the non-muslim masses…yesterday i was on facebook…. a guy named jacob started posting abusive comments against Allah and muslims.i was successfull in altering his mind…but i wonder why they think ISIS is the sole representative image of islam. there are over 1 billion muslims inthe world…if islam was a religion based on terrorism the world would not be what it is right now.. and the non muslims might not even exist… thanx for sharing this umar.. gained a lot of info from this..

    .. SHARING 🙂

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