MCAT journey

imageHadnt thought that things will go in such a way! Anyhow, let me jot this. Stream of consciousness drags me back to childhood. Those days of Beaconhouse Jhelum ❀ ! I wasnt a constantly shining star there, but still off and on clinched respectable positions in curricular as well as extra curricular activities. It was not until 4th class that we had decided to shift to APSACS Jlm( as I had to opt this traditional Pakistani system πŸ˜‚). Anyways conversion of educational system seemed a presage to my educational career but still Alhamdulillah managed to maintain the standards. 5th class was though a bit tough, but the actual LEGACY perpetuates right from 6th class uptill now Alhamdulillah. 6th,7th,8th passed, marking the pinnacle of all sections and then came 9th. I wont jot much about matric. Anyways got 507/525 in 9th and the same in 10th( total 1014/1050). You see, everything has a dark side too. Even my old neighbours gossiped k,” Is ne Number lagwae hn ( has got illicit marks)” πŸ˜‚. Surely it was an heart breaking complement. Girls gossiped, ” Theta aa, robot aaa.. rattay marta a…. sirf prhta ha.. aeso kay Fsc me nahi aty(crams.. and such people are unable to get marks in Fsc)” but you see Allah SWT is the best compensator and here I am with 1016/1100 in Fsc( Districtt top in Jhelum) Alhamdulillah. Some cheap personalities gossiped, ” Sirf ratty marta a.. aur koi activity nahi( no other activity beside cramming)” and there I am:-

● An avid social worker( during Earthquake 2005, Charsadda flood 2010, free camps and gifts distribution in Distt Jail etc)
● Held key posts that a student can long for( like HeadBoy, Housecaptains, Presidency etc)
● Numismatics worker( currency notes collection and participation in exhibitions)
● Writer( articles in newspapers, blogspots etc, Ghazliaat and all that stuff for magazines) and much more which surely was enough to shut them up!
Finally comes this MCAT strike:-
>> First breakthrough was Aga Khan University. Despite having an application number 13662, Alhamdulillah I managed to get in those 350 short listed people, clearing the aptitude test with quite a handsome margin. Recently gave its interview, which was splendid and hoping for a positive result in Mid- October
>> 2nd one was NUMS. Alhamdulillah Allah SWT blessed me with 150/180
>> and finally comes the UHS MCAT. Allah SWT perpetuated the blessings( though I didnt deserve that) and I got 1028/1100. Now, here I am with 93. 3299% aggregate hoping to join King Edward Medical University Batch 2016-21
●●The purpose of writing all this was to convey a message. Trust me, I dont like to brag. You know why I joted all this. Just to demonstrate that Man is nothing but a mass of stinky clay and so must be his ego. Even the ability to do hardwork and intelligence is a gift of Allah SWT which he can take away anytime, without assigning a reason. We are nothing, however when we make Dua especially with sources, we should be 100% sure that now we’ll get it. It cant be denied. Trust me it works. Ive experienced it. In a nut shell, HUMILITY is the best gift if God, you can ever have. Dont just let it go, and the remarks of people shall neither epitomize your vanity, nor make you fell down and depressed. Obediance towards teachers and parents Β is a must. Roger that! 😁 and one thing, dont be a Thetaa( crammer) The key is, never to procrastinate. Roz ka Roz. Thats all. Hardly its 4 hours daily and hang out on weekends. Thats all what I did. ●●

2 thoughts on “MCAT journey

  1. You’re right about everything. Everyone who knows you is proud of you. Congratulations on getting admission in KEMU and AMC (and in Agha Khan, In Shaa Allah!)
    I’d like to add one thing. Your views about what girls think and say about you tell me that you haven’t come across many decent girls. Because you’re the kind of student that girls want to be. Girls used to be hardworking back in the days but now the gadgets and the social websites have really done harm to the “good hardworking girls.” They want to maintain their grades the way you do. And they want to get admission in KEMU and AMC the way you got, Masha’Allah! And those who lose, they really wish they were like you. Hardworking. Intelligent. Responsible. Mature.
    So, good girls never think bad about hardworking students. And I think thats enough for us to not consider the ones who are otherwise.


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