imageWell, you all know that aptitude test of any sort is most of the times considered a presage to the educational career of students. There are superfluos rumours frequently associated with it, but trust me most of them are mere conjectures, just like a spicy gossip. Such notions are falsified, once the candidate actually goes through all this stuff. You see, acing it or being failed is something else, something that also greatly depends on fate and prayers.
Moving in accordance with the title, let me covers its first aspect i.e PRE MCAT( being an ex pre-medical student, I will jot the detail of MCAT). Before stepping onto the actual preparation, let me assure you, its aint as much difficult as you and most of our pals think. You need to get over your psychological fears which can actually jeopardize your grip and position in test and those fears are vanished by prayers, for which you have to take a leap of faith. My dear reader, trust me its a game of nerves. Once you are panicked, you are done! As far as UHS MCAT is concerned, 65% of it is based on exact text lines or some other lucid material. Now let us step to subject wise preparation:-
BIOLOGY:- It accounts for the lions share in MCAT i.e 88 MCQ’s. Its completely from the book. Read the book as many times as you can. I would say at least 3-4 times with good concentration(each and every word, even the lines below diagrams) and obviously with good concepts. Bio is the key. Score as much as you can. You can even get 88/88. 95% of it is from the prescribed course and the rest 5% is also not that much difficult. You just need to sort out the stacked things in your burdened mind.
CHEMISTRY:- Same goes for Chemistry(58 MCQs). Read the book with full concentration and good concepts( like mole and organic chem etc). Have a careful look at the examples and especially graphs of physical chemistry.
PHYSICS:- Now this is the part that will either take you to the pinnacle or simply drop you out. (44 MCQs). You must have exellent concepts and reasoning skills. The key is the ability to understand the question, in order to avoid the unnecessary work out. You must practice some numerical problems manually, so as to enhance your grip and boost up your confidence. You must know the effect of variations in different factors on the formula.
ENGLISH:- Here the key is, never to procrastinate especially in the case of vocabulary. Make a habbit of doing at least 15 words daily and search all the possible synonyms of them apart from KIPS book as well. Grammatical portion is not much tough. You just need to master over your skills and grip on grammar.
MCAT DAY:- Here comes the big day. Try to take a good sleep and dont revise anything, one day before MCAT. Just relax! Wake up early in the morning, offer Fajr prayer and recite Surah Yaseen. Take the prayers of everyone along with you, all the way towards test centre. Again, Im saying, its a game of nerves. In NUMS test, I marked synonyms instead of antonyms but didnt get panicked. Once, you are given the question book, go through it and see if all the sections are properly printed and one thing, just tell your mind that the paper is easy and yes youll gonna ace it( “The treasure lies within you” Dr Joseph Murphy) Recite Darud Shareef and keep on solving it.
Now comes the next aspect of title i.e
POST MCAT: Out of those about 56,000 candidates, definitely about 52,000 thousand will be feeling quite depressed while the rest will be sanguining. For those sanguining, they must reckon that vanity is something, that doesnt suits on humans. Even the ability to do hardwork and intelligence is a gift of Almight Allah, that He can take away anytime without assigning a reason and for those who are depressed, they must try to fortify their faith and believe that Allah Almighty knows the best and has the best for you. There are multiple options. •I have couple of friends, who improved the year and trust me, they made a massive come back, but again even repeating is a game of nerves. •If you can afford an admission in private medical college, definitely go for it. Infact, I endorse them, due to hardwork of their faculties and even their merit is day by day escalating. Once you have aced a good post graduate degree, no one will even bother to ask your alma mater. • There are certain other worth considering high merit options as well, like DVM, DPT,Pharm-D etc. DVM even outpaces MBBS in UK.
>> In the end, dont forget, that MCAT isnt the end of life. Theres much more to come, so be prepared for that. Not everyone was born to be a doctor. Every profession is venerable, as far as you attain a respectable position in it. Last but not the least, dont be a bookworm for MCAT. Extra curricular activities are obligatory and even account for admission in certain universities like Aga Khan university. Crux is never to PROCRASTINATE. <<
This was Umer Hassan
* Ex pre medical student APSACS Jlm.
* 150/180 NUMS Entry test (Admission in AMC)
* Admission in Aga Khan University
* 1016/1100 Fsc(Distt top in Jhelum)
* 1022/1100 in UHS MCAT 2016 ( Admission in KEMU)
* Aggregate 93.0571%

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