Arent we biased?

Amid the the kaliedoscopic events round the globe, there are some events that simply enthrall us. I mean, at times, while scrolling our newsfeed on facebook, we come across some posts that totally spellbind us. Isnt it? Be it a scandal, celebrity sex tape or a torturous event and when most of us get spellbound, then that post becomes viral. Now let me relate a similar event. While scrolling my newsfeed, I came across a post titled,” Carter guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter.” I simply couldnt resist myself opening that post and its crux was that a girl named Carter provoked her boyfriend to commit suicide. I was literally abashed. I mean I was saying to myself,” Man, I cant believe it. How cruel and insane can someone be?” Then I instantly switched to the comments on that post and observed that all of the people were passing harsh comments about Carter. Some pseudo advocates were even suggesting penalties, pretending to be legal experts. I simply couldnt stop thinking on that case and at the end I questioned to myself,”Are’nt we biased?”

Michelle Carter was the girlfriend of late Conrad Roy III(victim of self hatred) who commited suicide in 2014 via Carbon monoxide poisoning. SMS record of the deceased revealed coercive messages of his girlfriend, forcing him to commit suicide. By then she was 17. However, now she’s 20 and currently on trial. She has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and the verdict is expected by August 2017.
If your any act results in UNINTENTIONAL killing of a person, then you maybe accused of involunatry manslaughter. However, the aforethought must not be nefarious and wicked. To prove this charge, the accused must be knowing at time of offense that his/her actions are harmful. Laws of some states of US suggest, that physical involvement of the accused shall be must.
Thanks to our grandiose judgemental public, we have successfully created a whole lobby against Carter on social media and aggrandized the hatred against her. Did we even give a second thought to it? No we did’nt because judgements are in our veins. We elicit our conclusions from conjectures, stick to them adamantly and dont give a damn to what the facts say. I myself cursed Carter a lot but as soon as I came to know other facts, I was compelled to think out of the box. Here are some of the facts about Michelle Carter:-
 • She was suffering from Depressive illness.
 • She was on Prozac (Flouxetine), an SSRI in
   2011 for eight months, after which it was gradually tappered off. However, she had to switch to it again after some time.
 • Later on, She used Celexa (Citalopram) which is also an SSRI.
 • Drug overdose caused delusion
SMS record of Conrad also revealed some early messages, in which Carter was convincing him to seek some external help. She motivated him to abandon his plan. However when she got vibes that Conrad was determined and will not change his plan, then  her sole objective became to make things easy for her boyfriend in his way to commit suicide.
Abridging my point, her main aim was to HELP his boyfriend. She never intended to exacerbate the situation for him. All she wanted was to appease his loved one. She tried to change Conrads plan earlier in guise of help. Lately, as Conrad had took the decision, she firmed him and halted those second thoughts. She bucked him up to take the step. Moreover, as she wasnt physically present at the site, it would be quite a task to actually prove the charge of involuntary manslaughter.  Surely, Im not paving way for her redemption. What she did was absolutely wrong but try to understand that her aforethought was’nt harmful. All she did was in guise of help,however, her apparent kindness did no good in reality. Surely, she wont be exonerated without any penalty.
What Im trying to manifest is that we have really become exorbitantly judgemental. We gave an ear to the conjecture, immediately held an opinion and started hate speech on social media. We should’ve given a second thought to it. We need to revamp our reasoning skills and yeah! Please question yourself,”Arent we biased?” 


4 thoughts on “Arent we biased?

  1. Yeah, thinking just in a biased way as in the case of Carter, was really a wild and untamed idea
    The need of the hour is really “Thinking out of box Get to know the hidden factors”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know about my non conformist stance on this issue and yes one does face a lot of criticism on such take, but then there are people like you as well who appreciate.


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