Burgeoning Souls

● WHERE DO WE STAND?          
                     You know what? We have always been in an abyss. We’re still in an abyss and perhaps will stay in it for eternity, following the ritual. We never ponder to the signals and alarms of reality becuase of our IGNORANCE, which indeed is the biggest obstacle. We are perpetuating the abysmal life , blithely because of the utter blindness of heart. Pseudo-self satisfied people with apparently working ears yet, eternalizing the deafness. Epitomized laughters, yet an emptiness deep inside. Soothing ourselves with expensive scents, yet unable to smell the aroma of reality. Exercising and striving for physical fitness and healthy body with the silk of soul being ruthlessly dragged on a bed of thorns. Enjoying the soothing vistas of nature, with a hidden grotesque deep inside us. We are happy and satisfied, thats what we assure ourselves, but trust me thats merely a conjecture. Alas! We are unable to halt this conjecture. A conjecture that has switched to countenance of reality. At the end, what do we really do? Fake a smile and contend ourselves. Wow! Amazing. Isnt it?

We all have idealized some cherished goals.
Lets be courageous enough to atleast accept, what we really ask for, in our prayers.
>> Marking the acme of academic career
>> Making it to top ranked university, followed by a handsome job or business
>> A fat bank account
>> Nice cars,custom suits
>> Respectable social status
>> Peaceful Marital life and satisfaction of parents
>> And at the end, we also pray for our happiness and pleasure of our Creator.
That pretty much sums up our cravings. Right?
I reckon, you won’t deny all this stuff. We all are in the same boat peeps, but let me tell you one thing. We are sailing this boat without any navigation. We dont have a hitch of idea, where to anchor the boat. Still, we are never aghasted. Amazing isnt it?


Folks, let me tell you, the society is full of love gurus . Lets have a brief account of our so called love doctrine. Our immense knowledge has lead to us classify love as much as we can:-
 1) Love for God a.k.a Ishq-e-Haqeeqi( involving the love for Prophet and the sufi saints)
 2) Love for humanity
 3) Love for nature
 4) Love for passions
 5) Love for parents,sibling,friends et cetera
 6) Love for soulmate. Doctors of Philosophy, present in our society are mostly busy sub-classifying this branch into a) Crush b) Infatuation c) Lust and d) True love bla bla.
I know, most of us are ardent believers of this classification. Keep calm! aint criticizing this variety.


Submerged in the ocean of idealism and surrealism, man at times yearn for vindication. Extreme disturbance in spirtualsm materialism RATIO always incites a reflex, folks. A desperate urge of halting the monotony blossoms. Problem lies in the fact, that even our remedies are astrayed. Our curology is nothing but maltreatment, so what to expect in prognosis? Our conventional and probably everlasting remedies include:-
>> Nice Sleep
>> Yoga
>> Regular prayers
>> Meditation/Muraqba
>> Excursion trips to break the monotony
>> At times music as well.. et cetera
These are the common practices and we cant deny these realities folks.
Albeit we all are moving along the flow. We are all the apprentices of our elders. Everytime we abet our own stance, but there are a few questions that simply bewitch and entangle me. These questions are aggrandizing the power to abase me. Questions that take me somewhere else and subject me to mental absence despite of physical presence. Severity of the urge to find the answers epitomised inside me last night at 3 am and compelled me to jot some stuff. I really didnt know, as if I was about to write a doctrine or seek my answers or simply using the tool of writing as a means of catharsis. I reckon, most of us face the perplexity of such questions. The only difference is, some strive to find the answers and the rest subject this alarm to abysmal ignorance. Later on these alarms

  acquire the mere status of waves of reminiscence and stream of consciousness. I cant simply jot every question, however a few of them sound somewhat this:-
>>Have we really explored ourselves?
>> Who are we and what are our limits?
Dr. Joseph Murphy in,”The Power of your subconscious mind” said that the treasure lies within you.
>> Have we ever strived to explore that treasure?
>> Have we ever prayed to entirely know ourselves and hence our creator?
>> Rumi said,” Discrimination leads to discrimination”. So why to classify LOVE? Why cant we simply compromise on the sole word LOVE and enjoy it without any bifurcation?
>> Have we ever correctly diagnosed the illness of soul and search for the actual
>> Have we ever tried to become radical? Have we ever thought, its okay not to be okay?
+ a bunch of questions that keep on swirling around my mind


I accept, my incompetency and poor reasoning skills as Im still unable to cent percent satisfy my conscience and answer these innate questions. However, I tried and still Im trying to answer the entire questionaire. Its a battle between paradoxes of thoughts. Anyways, I must jot my poor analysis in the  quest for searching the treasure.
>> Regarding first question, my analysis lies in the top post paragraph of this blog i.e WE ARE ALL IN AN ABYSS. Nay, we havent explored ourselves.                                                             >> Man marks the pinnacle of supremacy as far as the creation is concerned. We havent yet discovered all the furtiveness in ourself. Actually we are the whole universe. Everything is in us. Our body and materialism are the only obstacles in our way to reach immortality and infinity. Mass and energy are inter convertible and hence man is immortal. Time dilates, making the impossible possible. Thats the actual logic behind the miracles of sufi saints.
Listen!! As we favour materialism against spirtualism, we are automatically limitising ourselves and our hidden abilities. In the opposite case, one gets full control over his body. He becomes the master of his soul, having the supreme authority to enter and exit the body. Mr. Raees Amrohvi in his book,” Aalim-e- Arwah” has jotted a great amount of knowlegde and plenty of evidences supporting such doctrines.
>> Obviously we havent strived to explore our treasure. Those who tried reached immortality and got the access to exit the barrier of matter, while majority is busy in superficial enjoyment.
>> At least, I didnt use to pray for my self introduction. The point is that most of us havent prayed out of the ordinary and have never stood up against the wall.
>> When youve got the writings of Rumi and Shams of Tabrez about Love, then why to jot your own philosophy. They have written an exorbitant symphony flambouyanting the reality and essence of LOVE. Love is something that removes the barrier and unifies everything. Dont be so cruel to limitise love in boundaries and spoiling the pacification, that is the only corollary of love.
>> When a person gets the answers of remaining questions, he automatically can diagnose the illnesses of soul and blindly believe in the prognosis. We have to understand ourselves before sorting out the causes of our illnesses. Let me give an analogy. You study Anatomy,Physiology and other basics before switching to Clinical and Surgical methods. Same goes for SOUL.
**** Abridging my point with a last answer. All of us are affected by Bipolar disorder. We all have a Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde residing in us and we undergo impromptu transitions between the 2 visages. Its okay not to be okay all the time and yeah, in this path, where you TRY to BURGEON THE SOUL, you may not instantly achieve the cherished objective but this attempt for reaching perfection, certainly blesses you with a great knowledge and remarkable inductive reasoning skills. That pretty much sums up the point of view this incompetent person.

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